Nepal Specialty Coffee Community is a network of all the coffee lovers whose main objective is to promote best Quality Nepali coffee in Nepal and aboroad. We stive to highlight the stories of all the relevant stakeholders – Farmers, Processers, roasters and Brewers who are contributing for the overall development of Nepali coffee.
We aim to achieve continuous improvement in the quality of Nepali coffee through out the value chain.
Event Information
The Event is divided into Three sessions
1. Processing Information
2. Cupping Washed & Naturals Coffee
3. Cup Tasters Championship
Processing Information
Our First Session will be the processing Presentation hosted by Tshering Norgey Sherpa.
Tshering is a certified Quality Processor and a roaster in Lekali Coffee.
Presentation Contents:
– Natural vs Washed Processing in Nepal
– To view samples of dry cherry, parchment, green bean placed on the cupping tables to view– Differences and Similarities.
– How the processes are done.
– Picking, Fermentation, Pulping, Hulling.
– Taste profile for these two processes and how they differ.
– Information about Experimental lots trial (Pros & Cons)
– Q and A

Cupping Washed & Natural Processed Coffee
Second Session will be cupping Washed and Natural Processed Specialty Coffee of Nepal
Event Content:
– There will be two cupping sessions. One from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, another
from 11:00 am to 12:00pm
– The following are the ways one group will have their cupping session
– First flight will be washed coffees, and Second flight will be naturals
– Each flight will have a total of 4 tables, on which there will be 6 coffee
samples. Each sample will have two cups.
– Each table will have no more than 12 people, so 2 people can be at one
sample at the same time.
– One volunteer will be responsible for one table. So there will be a total of
4 volunteers looking at their respective tables and overseeing the cupping, answering any
questions if necessary…
Cup Tasters Throwdown 2022
The main event CUP TASTERS THROWDOWN where skilled cuppers demonstrate their speed , skill and accuracy in finding the taste difference in specialty coffees.
The throwdown will be of 32 registered cuppers which includes three Rounds (Knockout, Semi Final and Finals).
The main objective of Cup Tasters Throwdown format is to differentiate between different coffees. Three cups are placed in a traingle , with 2 cups being identical coffees and one cup being a different coffee. Using skills of smell, taste, attention and experience, the cupper will identify the odd cup in the triangle as quickly as they can. A total of 4 triangles are placed in each round. The top 8 competitors with the most correct answers and the fastest time proceed to the next Semi-Finals round. Then the top 2 will compete again in the Finals round to determine the winner of the Cup Tasters Throwdown 2022.

We wish you stay strong and really pray for good health.
Along with Covid situations , we are also trying to make the event more safe, we would also humbly request to the people to please consider and not to participate in the event having following conditions:
- Fever
- Running Nose
- Cough
- Recently travelled from infected places / Travel History.
- Previously infected by the virus and now has recovered.
- Infected by any Influenza.
- Click “Register Now” .
- Fill all the required information.
- Please do mention the company name and individual name, if multiple people are joining in.
- Send.
- You will get a confirmation email after your name has been registered for the competition.
*FREE registration
* Any query please contact 9808594102 (Nisha)